Training & EducationCASfire Material Analysis Center
Training and education for composition analysis method is one of the effective ways to deeply understand the future of new material. It is also the key to product conformity.
We provide customized training course for customers. Through face-to-face training and on-site guidance, whether on performance requirements, additive selection, or product development and improvement, you will have a more simple and clear understanding of how to improve performance, how to effectively improve, and how to comply with requirement and how to innovate.

Our purpose is helping you to:
- Understand the latest materials and their development characteristics
- Better understand material composition and element analysis methods
- Produce products that meet standards and regulations continuously and effectively
- Acquire the characteristics of competitive products and improve their competitiveness
- Achieve innovative motivation for sustainable development.
Our Service for Training & Education
Our training lecturers are experts in material. In terms of training methods, we will effectively connect standards, regulation and method to materials. In addition, we will also let you know about the performance improvement of your materials when some additives are added through the practical part of material analysis and development.
Our strengths and training approach:
- Face-to-face communication
- Open question-and-answer sessions
- Direct interaction with technician
- Understanding of Analysis method and Product Standards
- Study the characteristic of new material and formula during analysi
- Sharing of Design-based Theory and Practice
Choose CASfire, Choose Your Partner
- CASfire, the part of Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS), based on the research and academic capabilities of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, which is the highest institution of science and technology in China, provides professional and guaranteed one-stop material analysis solutions.
- We Bringing together top scientists and professionals in materials at home and abroad
- Dozens of advanced analysis and testing equipment to provide comprehensive analysis and identification
- It’s not just analysis. Our experts will give you professional advice and opinions.
- We help you reduce the cost of analysis and R&D, improve efficiency and enhance your competitiveness
- We are always guided by customer requirement and social expectations, and improve product quality through “testing, analysis, improving, assurance” in the field of fire safety. Our specialty enables our customers to obtain high value-added services and ensure sustainable business development in an increasingly standardized world.
CASfire Material Analysis Center
Work Procedure:
- Inquiry. Email to us at or call us (+86)0592-3500085
- Submit the Application Form.
- Issue the proposal and terms of service
- Confirm the proposal
- Deliver the samples
- Analysis and Advice
- Issue the Analysis Report
- Continuous technical support