Method and case analysis of material compositions and elements analysis

Method and case analysis of material compositions and elements analysis

  • October 22, 2021
  • Training for Components Analysis
  • Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xiamen
  • +86(0) 592 3500085

Training Subject:

  • Method and case analysis of material compositions and elements analysis

Training Content:

  •  The importance of material composition analysis
  • Principles and method of analysis of material composition
  • Basic principle and analysis accuracy of the instrument
  • Case Study for material composition analysis

Reference Standards:

  • CASfire Internal Analysis Method

Our Approach

There are 2 parts in our approach of training, Theory and Practice, our practical experts are skilled to connect them.

Theoretical Part:

  • Interpretation of terminology
  • Specific Interpretation of Product Standard, Technical Specification, Test Method, and Regulation and Policy
  • Discussions on principles and methodologies
  • Effective picture or video to aid understanding

Practical Part:

  • Guidance for the application of Product Standard and Technical Specification
  • Sharing and analysis of existing cases
  • Necessary visiting and operation in our laboratory
  • Practical analysis and answers based on customer’s questions

Why Choose Us: 

  • The Research team of CASfire headed by experts from related fields of the Chinese Academy of Sciences includes members from Fujian Key Laboratory of Fire Retardant Materials and State Key Laboratory of Fire Science. They have been chairing and participating in several provincial and municipal state-level scientific research projects
  • The CASfire Fire Testing Center is CMA(China Inspection Body and Laboratory Mandatory Approval) and CNAS accredited and managed according to ISO/IEC 17025:2017” General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories” (CNAS-CL01:2008)
  • Based on the scientific research platform of the Chinese Academy of Sciences,  our experts will also provide with you professional advice and suggestion basing on analysis.
  • We will do detailed technical survey of pre-training
  • We have more than 5 000 cases study for your reference
  • We are good at Improvement-based theory and Practice
  • You will be invited to visit the laboratory and test operation if necessary, to intuitively understand the test method
  • It is a Open question-and-answer sessions
  • Date: Oct.22, 2021
  • Location:  Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xiamen.
  • Language: Chinese or English
  • Duration: 1 day

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What Can We Do?

From Fire Testing, Training, R&D to Improvement, our team of experts will essentially improve the quality and technical level of your products!

  • CASfire Show: China Composites Expo 2020

    4 September 2020, CASfire successfully completed the exhibition plan of China Composites Expo 2020 at Shanghai.CASfire participated in the exhibition with the exhibition number of hall 4 b3603. At this exhibition, many professionals and institutions are interested in the fire research and development and testing of composite materials.

    September 17, 2020

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