随着经济的发展,越来越多人重视生活环境,特别是会对生命造成危害的事件,如火灾事故,故而建筑材料的耐燃性能也日益受到高度关注。各国对建筑制品的耐燃性能制定了不同标准,如:中国GB 9978,英国BS 476-20/21/22,美国ASTME119,欧洲EN13501-2等。
- BS 476-20:Fire Tests on Building materials and structures – Part 20. Method of test for determination of the fire resistance of elements of construction (General principles) / BS 476-20:建筑材料和建筑构件防火测试 – 第20部分:建筑元件耐燃的测定方法(一般原理)
- BS 476-21: Fire test on building materials and structures-Part 21: Method for Determination of the fire resistance of load bearing elements of construction. / BS 476-21: 建筑材料和构件的防火测试-第21部分: 承重材料耐火性测试.
- BS 476-22: Fire Tests on Building materials and structures – Part 22.Methods for determination of the fire resistance of non-loadbearing elements of construction / BS 476-22: 建筑材料和建筑构件防火测试-第22部分.非承重材料耐火性测试.
- BS 476-23:Fire Tests on Building Materials and Structures Part 23 Methods for Determination of the Contribution of Components to the Fire Resistance of a Structure. / BS476-23:建材及构件的防火测试.第23:部分元部件对构件耐火性分摊作用的测试方法.
- EN 13501-2:欧盟建筑产品及构件的耐火性能分类,第2部分:通风设备除外耐火试验数据分类。
- EN13501-2: Fire classification of construction products and building elements-Part 2: Classification using data from fire resistance tests, excluding ventilation services.
- EN 1363-1: 耐燃测试-第1部分: 一般要求。
- EN 1363-1: Fire resistance tests – Part 1: General requirements.
- EN 1363-2: 耐燃测试 – 第2部分:替换和增加的程序.
- EN 1363-2: Fire resistance tests – Part 2: Alternative and additional procedures.
- EN 1364-1: 非承重构件耐燃测试 – 第1部分:墙体。
- EN 1364-1: Fire resistance tests for non-loadbearing elements – Part 1: Walls.
- EN 1364-2: 非承重构件耐燃测试 – 第2部分:吊顶.
- EN 1364-2: Fire resistance tests for non-loadbearing elements – Part 2: ceiling.
- EN 1365-2: 承重件耐燃测试 – 第2部分:地板和屋顶.
- EN 1365-2: Fire resistance tests for loadbearing elements – Part 2: Floors and roofs.
- EN 1634-1: 耐燃测试 – 第1部分:防火门和百叶窗.
- EN 1634-1: Fire resistance tests for door and shutter assemblies– Part 1: Fire doors and shutters.
- ASTM E 119 建筑及材料防火测试方法标准
- ASTM E 119 Standard Test Methods for Fire Tests of Building Construction and Materials
- UL 263 建筑结构和材料的防火测试
- UL 263 Fire Tests of Building Constriction and Material
- UL 10B 针对门系统结构的防火测试
- UL 10B Fire Test of Door Assemblies
- UL 10C 针对门配件的正压防火测试
- UL 10C Standard for positive pressure fire tests of door assemblies
注意事项:ASTM E119标准需注意是否指定水龙测试
- ISO 834-1: 耐火试验—建筑构件第一部分:一般要求
- ISO 834-1:Fire-resisitance tests – Elements of building construction Part 1: general requirements
- AS/NZS 1530.4:建筑材料、元件和构件的防火测试-第4部分:建筑物单元耐燃测试.
- AS/NZS 1530.4:Methods for fire tests on building materials, components and structures – Fire-resistance test of elements of construction.
- GB/T 9978-1 建筑构件耐火试验方法-第一部分:通用要求
- GB/T 9978-1 Fire-resistance tests-Elements of building construction-part1:General requirement
- GB/T 9978-3 建筑构件耐火试验方法-第三部分:试验方法和试验数据应用注解
- GB/T 9978-3 Fire-resistance tests-Elements of building construction-part3:Commentary on test method and test data application.
- GB/T 9978-5建材承重水平分隔构建的特殊要求
- GB/T 9978-5 建筑构件耐火试验方法-第五部分:承重水平分隔构建的特殊要求。
- GB/T 9978-5 Fire-resistance test-Elements of building construction- Part 5:Specific requirements for loadbearing horizontal separating elements.
- GB/T 9978-6 建筑构件耐火试验方法-第六部分:梁的特殊要求
- GB/T 9978-6 Fire-resistance test-Elements of building construction- Part 6: Specific requirements for beams.
- GB/T 9978-8 建筑构件耐火试验方法-第八部分:非承重垂直分隔构件的特殊要求
- GB/T 9978-8 Fire-resistance test-Elements of building construction- Part 8:Specific requirements for non-Loadbearing vertical separating elements
- GB/T 9978-9 建筑构件耐火试验方法-第九部分:非承重吊顶构件的特殊要求
- GB/T 9978-9 Fire-resistance test-Elements of building construction- Part 9: Specific requirements for non-Loadbearing ceiling elements
- GB/T 7633:门和卷帘的耐火试验方法
- GB/T 7633:Fire resistance tests for Door and shutters.
- GB/T 12513:镶玻璃构件的耐火试验方法
- GB/T 12513:Fire-resistance tests-Elements of building construction- Glazed elements.
- GB 12955:防火门的耐火试验方法
- GB 12955:Fire resistance tests for fire door.
- GB 14102:防火卷帘的耐火试验方法
- GB 14102:Fire resistance tests for fire resistant shutter.GB 15763.1:建筑用安全玻璃-第1部分:防火玻璃
- GB 15763.1:Safety glazing materials in building-part 1: Fire-resistant glass.
- GB 16809:钢质防火窗的耐火试验方法
- GB 16809:Fire-resistance tests-Elements of building construction- Steel fire windows.
- GB/T 24573:金库和档案门的耐火性能试验方法
- GB/T 24573:Fire resistance tests for coffers and Archives door.
- GA 97:防火玻璃非承重隔墙通用技术条件
- GA 97:Fire Tests on Building materials and structures –Fire-resistant glass of non-loadbearing elements of construction
- GB 16807:耐火测试-防火膨胀密封件
- GB 16807:Resistance test for fire intumescent seals
- GB 23864 防火封堵材料
- GB 23864 Firestop material