

CASfire News-180325 MTR1


2018年3月25日,应港铁MTR技术部门邀请,中科易朔CASfire与法国防火研究中心CREPIM到访港铁总部进行技术交流,本次交流旨在帮助港铁MTR技术及设计部门深入了解轨道交通阻燃防火标准EN 45545的要求及行业最新动态,同时为轻轨LRT车辆要求提供指导。

技术交流期间,中科易朔CASfire技术总监刘子腾先生,法国CREPIM总裁Mr. Franck Poutch 和技术总监 Skander K等轨道车辆防火安全专家抵达元朗站,实地考察了港铁LRT的运行环境和情况,为车辆符合EN 45545要求提供技术参考。


EN 45545-1轨交车辆的运行条件和风险等级: 

Operation Category Characteristics
OC 1 Vehicles for operation on infrastructure where railway vehicles may be stopped with minimum delay, and where a safe area can always be reached immediately.
OC 2 Vehicles for operation on underground sections, tunnels and/or elevated structures, with side evacuation available and where there are stations or rescue stations that offer a place of safety to passengers, reachable within a short running time.
OC 3 Vehicles for operation on underground sections, tunnels and/or elevated structures, with side evacuation available and where there are stations or rescue stations that offer a place of safety to passengers, reachable within a long running time.
OC 4 Vehicles for operation on underground sections, tunnels and/or elevated structures, without side evacuation available and where there are stations or rescue stations that offer a place of safety to passengers, reachable within a short running time.


港铁MTRMass Transit Railway)是中国香港最大的铁路运输系统。由九广铁路公司和香港地下铁路公司合并为港铁。港铁被公认为世界级的公共交通运输机构,无论在可靠性、安全及效率方面,均一直保持在国际级最高水平。




